La canzone di oggi II
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- SaulGoodman
- Prode Principiante
- Messaggi: 199
- Iscrizione: mercoledì 11 dicembre 2024, 0:46
- Distribuzione: Ubuntu
- noel80
- Entusiasta Emergente
- Messaggi: 2241
- Iscrizione: giovedì 11 settembre 2014, 2:49
- Desktop: Gnome w/Tile || KDE
- Distribuzione: Pop!_OS || SteamOS
Re: La canzone di oggi II
Due link per chi volesse seguire qualcosa di interessante musicalmente:

- noel80
- Entusiasta Emergente
- Messaggi: 2241
- Iscrizione: giovedì 11 settembre 2014, 2:49
- Desktop: Gnome w/Tile || KDE
- Distribuzione: Pop!_OS || SteamOS
Re: La canzone di oggi II is not just a band but a cultural heritage for the Greenlandic people, so it's a pleasure to get this CD on the street, as before, was just about to get on LP. Their songs are considered part of the history of Greenland and they represent the greatest songs in the country's music history. There are no Greenlandic musicians who do not know Sume, and this album is a good reason for this. The album "Sumut" was released on CD to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the band.
- Scoppiettante Seguace
- Messaggi: 449
- Iscrizione: sabato 26 febbraio 2011, 12:06
- Desktop: Xfce
- Distribuzione: Manjaro
- Sesso: Maschile
Re: La canzone di oggi II
HP 290 G4 Microtower PC Intel i3-10100 (8) @ 4.300GHz Intel CometLake-S GT2 [UHD Graphics 630] Ram 7776 MiB
Manjaro Xfce 64bit
Manjaro Xfce 64bit
- noel80
- Entusiasta Emergente
- Messaggi: 2241
- Iscrizione: giovedì 11 settembre 2014, 2:49
- Desktop: Gnome w/Tile || KDE
- Distribuzione: Pop!_OS || SteamOS
Re: La canzone di oggi II
Codice: Seleziona tutto
One thing you have to agree with me
That nothing’s for sure, nothing’s for sure
Nobody can live forever
And everybody is the same
Here we go, how we doin' man?
What’s happenin’?
Alright, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Sooner or later, sooner or later
You’re gonna understand that
Here we go
Nobody can live forever
Nobody will know how I feel
Nobody can give you the answers
Nobody can play but for real
Nobody can live forever
Nobody will know how I feel
Nobody can give you the answers
Nobody can play but for real
There’s no God
There’s no heaven
There’s no devil
There’s no hell
There’s no God
There’s no heaven
There’s no devil
There’s no hell
Don’t you worry! (Don’t you worry)
(Repeat x 3)
Play your music! (Play your music)
(Repeat x 4)
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